Appointments & Clinic Locations


To make an appointment - please call Angelo on 07904418483.


Notting Hill Therapy Clinic - 3rd Floor The Tower, St. Charles Hospital, Exmoor Street, W10 6DZ.


Be advised that at the first appointment/consultation a detailed medical history will be taken. Depending on the complexity of your medical history you may not receive a treatment within the one hour standard consultation period. Therefore, at first appointments book for an hour and a half.



Specialist clinic locations: (Please note appointments cannot be made at these locations unless individuals are referred through their GP surgery or Social Prescribing Link Worker.)



For residents who are registred with a GP in the North Kensington area:


Lancaster West Residents (contact the Resource Centre for bookings). 

My Care My Way (for over 65's) - The Integrated Care Centre, St Charles Hospital. Contact your GP.



Home visits: All home visit appoinments last for one and a half hours.



For treatment charges, see Prices & Policies.


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